
Kristian Polić, Project Manager | R&D

Kristian has a Master’s degree in Mining Engineering – Course Geotechnical Engineering at Faculty of Mining, Geology & Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. During his studies, he showed a great interest in mining design, rock mechanics, numerical methods and applied geophysics. His passion for numerical mathematics led him into the world of geophysics, where in the last year oh his studies he became a geophysicist. After that, he became the Head of geotechnical investigation works in the another company where he was in charge of executing, processing and interpretation of all geotechnical data and writing of geotechnical reports for Civil Engineering projects. He joined the RockTech NeXus because he shares the same enthusiasm, desire for knowledge and personal development, and of course with great faith that the team will achieve the best products in the field of mining and geotechnical engineering.