
Josip Vincek, Idea originator

Josip has a Master's degree in Mining Engineering at the Faculty of Mining, Geology & Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. As a student, he gathered knowledge at an underground bauxite mine, in the geotechnical laboratory, and as an engineering practitioner in the oil and gas industry. In addition, he spent two years volunteering to research potential mineral deposits in an international team of students as part of the "Frank Arnott - Next Generation Explorers Award" competition, under the auspices of the "Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada". As the crown of efforts, team has won the first place (gold award) at Challange 2023. Motivated to build his knowledge, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the fields of interest. His main fields of interest are underground mining premises, stability analysis of underground mining premises, tunnel construction and research in the field of space mining. In his free time, he expands his knowledge of programming and research.